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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSaturday, August 31, 2002

I continue to investigate moving to Moveable Type, which I'd really like to do. I like the layout options, the look, that it sits on your own server, etc. My limited HTML and related skills continue to slow me down. Argh! I'm receiving advice from a number of caring people, for which I am grateful. I downloaded the MT installation and user manuals, ftp'd the required files to the server, but am stalled at a point where you need to check for Perl scripts by executing a .cgi file. So far, I cannot execute this file, or for that matter, any of the .cgi files sitting in their directory. Instead of executing the files, I get asked by the computer if I want to save or download the file - duh. I've posted a message on their support forum and am hoping someone can help. Truly this is frustrating. It's interesting to note that Telus does not permit access to Perl and related files on their server, unless you buy domain access.

Bottom line is that I'm determined to make this work. Somehow.

posted by randy at 6:13 PM

Rebecca Blood
Michael Moore
Books Read Mid-90s ->


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Edmonton Folk Music Festival Aug 2002
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Me, Friends, Family

The Mirror Project


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