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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSunday, August 25, 2002

I had a great time at Angayla's wedding last night. She looked stunning in her dress and with her hair done so well. I met new people, including beautiful women, played guitar with her Angayla's brother Krispian (Heather's boyfriend) and his friend from Ireland, Pat, until after 1:00 am. Having not played much guitar lately, my fingers are still sore. But we had much fun, and Angayla's family certainly made me feel welcome. (I was perhaps her "newest" friend at the wedding - I've known her for six years, but only in the past year have we been able to visit and talk when time permitted. This year I was fortunate to have her added to our crew, Perfomer Hospitality, at the folk music festival.) Anyway, the food, company and atmosphere was wonderful. Jeannine's husband Mark created some interesting shadows using a napkin and the sun.

posted by randy at 8:52 PM

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