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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSaturday, August 24, 2002

I'm on one of those pop-culture media overload states at the moment. Too much to watch, read, listen, play. Only 24 hours in the day. My magazines are piling up. Was up till 2 am this morning, after hanging out with the BAWC (Bi-Weekly After Work Club) at the Fringe, enjoying ourselves with beer and good company in the warm evening shade in a beer tent. I returned at 12:45 and was compelled to watch the first of eight new OZ episodes. (Those of in the USA have seen these episodes already, remember, I'm talking about the backwaters of Canadian television here.) In 45 mins, I'm off to Angayla 's wedding.

There's much I've been wanting to write lately - it's a question of time management. I don't believe in the expression, "I don't have the time". It really is: "I haven't made the time", or variations thereof.

Finally, Chris tells me about The Degree Confluence Project. "The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here." Excluded are the oceans (hey, another picture of WATER!), and some of the north and south pole locations. Who has time to do these kinds of things?

posted by randy at 3:44 PM

Rebecca Blood
Michael Moore
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Edmonton Folk Music Festival Aug 2002
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