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Comments by: YACCS
wSunday, August 04, 2002

I've been uninspired this weekend. I think it's because so much is about to happen: my aunt, her husband and another couple will be staying at my house on Tue and Wed. On Wed evening, work on the Edmonton Folk Music Festival begins. I need to pick up booze for the various riders of some of the performers, bring it to the main site and help set up our area (Performer Hospitality). Then Thu-Sun is the festival itself, considered the premiere event of its kind in North America (sorry, Newport). These musiciansare performing this year. I hope Los Lobos plays Georgia Slop and Viking (a song featured in Season 2 of The Sopranos).

Yesterday I saw Lovely and Amazing, and The Mothman Prophecies. Mothman was interesting, better than I thought it would be. Lovely and Amazing was ok, didn't work for me too much. Emily Mortimer is lovely to watch. The story didn't hold my attention all that well.

posted by randy at 8:35 PM

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