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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, August 01, 2002

Last February I lost my 90 Corolla in a fire. More about that later. A week later, I bought a 96 Corolla. It's ok, it runs, it plays CDs. Yesterday I was out for dinner at a friend's place, and when I left, my licence plate was nowhere to be seen, certainly not on the back of the car where it's supposed to be. I couldn't tell if it fell off, or was stolen. Regardless, I drove home, hoping no police cars would happen by, and reported it to the police. I received a file number, and this morning went to the AMA to get a new plate (we use only back plates in Alberta). The replacement was fast, costing $20.49Cdn. I also stopped at my local Toyota dealership, and picked up two special plastic screws (no charge!) for the back plate area. The police constable told me that plates are stolen as much as cars these days, and that he doubted seriously that the plate fell off of its own volition. Whatever.

posted by randy at 1:02 PM

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