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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, September 12, 2002

The Friday Five:

1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why? - to be honest, I can't remember. None of the subjects stood out for me.
2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why? - hmmm...maybe Mrs Provost in Grade 4, or Miss Hamm in Grade 6. They both were good teachers, and were kind to me as well. Miss Hamm was enthusiastic and taught us how to indent when we took notes, something I still do to this day. She would keep us after school and read to us as well.
3. What is your favorite memory of school? - moving in Grade 11 to a high school with a city-wide reputation for being dangerous, and discovering that the kids with whom I made friends there were great, and as a result, Grades 11 and 12 were the most memorable of my twelve years of school. Pity that their current web site really blows chunks.
4. What was your favorite recess game? - beats me.
5. What did you hate most about school? - dealing with bullies and assholes.

posted by randy at 11:10 PM

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