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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wSunday, September 15, 2002

I am near total exhaustion at this time, running on fumes. Last night I hosted a small bbq for a number of friends, and afterwards, my brother and I attended what was left of my cul-de-sac's annual fall bbq as well. We were up until 2:00 am, then up again in the morning to hit dim sum in Chinatown. This is the stretch drive of the organization of my parents' 50th wedding anniversary party next Saturday in Winnipeg. Thankfully, it is coming together nicely, thanks in no small part to the help of my aunts, cousins and friends of my folks in town there. Even M & Da are working on their own party! Everyone is excited to be sure.

On Friday night I was on campus to attend the Ralph Nader lecture. He covered many topics, but his central theme focused on the responsibility of being a citizen, and the obligation to participate in your community, be it at the local, regional, national or international level. It was an inspiring speech, and he was warmly received by the participants. His speech was part of the first annual Green and Gold Eco-Conference, as well as being the first participant of the Revolutionary Speakers Series. Nader's drive and determination at the age of 68 is astounding, uplifting and inspiring. At a time in his life when most people would be relaxing and savouring their senior years, he continues to strive for justice and peace, unwavering in his belief that the world can be made a better place.

For more information on many of the issues Nader discussed, please explore the following sites: Essential Information, Citizen Works, Democracy Rising, and Public Citizen. Note that these are American sites, but the philosophy and content apply to everyone.

Finally, please check my friend Geoff Harder's latest web site, the Blog Driver's Waltz. Geoff and I share a wall at work.

posted by randy at 9:06 PM

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