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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wThursday, September 19, 2002

I'm in Winnipeg. Occasionally I check my Site Meter data to see how people are finding my site. By far the most interesting are search requests. For example, someone using Google searched "high resolution jango fett pictures". Er, ok. Someone else searched '"randy cohen" and music and downloading'. Now, to me, that's a cool search. Randy Cohen is the author of the book, The Good, The Bad & The Difference, and writes a weekly column called The Ethicist in the NYTimes Magazine. Perhaps this searcher was looking for Cohen's thoughts on downloading music from the 'net. Way cool!

Anyway, then someone searched 'soap "shower shock"'. Eh?? How about "fat content in tim hortons hot chocolate"? Must be health conscious, excellent! Or "uniball micro pen uk"? "dooku high resolution"? Hey, wait a minute, I wonder if that's the same searcher looking for Jango Fett? Or "photos of Ben Afflect"? Hmm, they can't spell his last name. This one, "uncensored pictures from ground zero blood world trade center", is just creepy.

This is the best one, I think: "Samuel de Champlain and the stuff he wasn't good at ." Like, what is UP with THAT? For you non-Canadians, SdC was a French explorer who visited the New World in the early 1600s. He's mentioned on my site because I'm one of a zillion descendents of one passenger on one of his voyages, a man (young boy at the time) named Nicolas Marsolet. But "the stuff he wasn't good at"??? And the weirdest thing of all? My site is the first hit of that search.

OK, I'm off to bed. For more of the above, check out Disturbing Search Requests.

posted by randy at 9:29 PM

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