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Comments by: YACCS
wSunday, September 01, 2002

The switch to Moveable Type is off for now. My pal Jen confirmed that my other server (U Alberta) doesn't run custom cgi scripts. So, if I want to move to MT, I also need to move to a commercial ISP.

Jen notes that there is a blog from the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

If you want to key into the local indie music and zine scene in Edmonton, check Gabino Travassos' fine online mag, Mote. Speaking of zines ("fanzine" is a contraction for "fan magazine"), for those of you out there who give a rat's ass, fanzines were the domain of sf fans for about 60 years, until the rest of the Hip World caught up with us. I pubbed my first zine in 1969. It's fascinating to me that the term has been co-opted by indie music fans, among others. One gets the impression that fanzines have been around for only a short period of time, and that the indie music fans created them. Er, no. There are at least five histories of sf fandom, covering various time periods, beginning with the 1930s. If you want to read about the Real History of zines, check out these books (if you can find them anywhere). There is a web site devoted to the history of sf fandom, and within you can find a list of classic fanzines.

posted by randy at 8:32 AM

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