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visits since 07/15/02 
Comments by: YACCS
wWednesday, September 11, 2002

Yesterday I had what I might call a "bad sequence" as opposed to a bad day. A series of small vignettes, perhaps, but each of them somewhat negative, involving personalities (mostly mine) rubbing other personalities the wrong way. I think there are times when everything converges and aligns and the results are either good or bad - it doesn't need to be of major proportions, necessarily. There is much stress in the world, especially today, but is still no excuse for behaviour that sometimes needs an ethics and reality check. I suppose beating myself up isn't going to help either. I own a personality that can be hard-edged at the best of times, coupled with emotions that are worn on my sleeve(s). It's a question of knowing and recognizing when to reel it all in, and sometimes I forget. I am grateful for being surrounded by people who care and don't judge.

It's 3:30 am, I'm up for no apparent reason, and looked outside. It is the early morning of 11 Sept 2002, and there are northern lights, aurora borealis, in the skies above Edmonton and northern Alberta. I love these kinds of coincidences. The sky is pitch black and clear, the lights shimmering slowly. For a moment I wondered if God was letting us know He's watching over us. The world is tense and fragile today, more so than ever before, and it needs a bear hug.

Yesterday, I donated platelets at the local Canadian Blood Services clinic by the university. This is a procedure that takes about 2 hours in total. I learned that a two-year old baby boy needed Type A+ platelets in order to increase his chances of surviving a heart transplant, so CBS was calling donors with matching blood types. My worries and stresses suddenly paled in comparison. I don't know if he is still alive, but I hope so. If you take time today to reflect on the state of our planet, consider a moment or two of prayer for this little boy.

posted by randy at 3:38 AM

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