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The Aga Khan addresses University of Alberta graduates after receiving an honorary doctor of laws degree from the university in 2009. (Photo: Richard Siemens)

Statement on the Passing of His Highness, The Aga Khan IV from the University of Alberta

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Face masks not only help protect wearers from virus transmission — they can also help ease the workload on the lungs during exercise in both dry and cold conditions, a U of A study shows. (Photo: Getty Images)
Science and Technology, Research, Health And Wellness

Wearing a mask while exercising indoors improves lung function

Masks not only help protect wearers from virus transmission, but improve the exercise experience in both dry and cold conditions, study shows.

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To help raise awareness of a severe immune deficiency called “bubble boy disease,” music professor Michael Frishkopf, known for his innovative use of machine learning in sound therapy, composed a piece of music based on an Edmonton boy’s genetic marker for the disease. (Photo: Supplied)
Health And Wellness, Society and Culture

U of A professor turns genetic marker for ‘bubble boy disease’ into music

Innovative mix of technology and music aims to raise awareness of the condition and a groundbreaking treatment.

U of A In The News

Statements & Announcements

Statement on the Passing of His Highness, The Aga Khan IV from the University of Alberta

Remembering a ‘giant of Prairie politics’

Energy systems expert receives nearly $2M to help Canada reach net-zero emissions by 2050

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