Have You Met…Adam Sweet?

Have You Met Adam Sweet, Executive Director of Government Relations? Spend a few minutes getting to know him a little better.

Have You Met Adam Sweet, Executive Director of Government Relations? Spend a few minutes getting to know him a little better.

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How would you explain your job in one sentence?

To help our team navigate through the complex, complicated, and sometimes chaotic world of government relations. I am still quite new to the U of A, so am sorting it all out, but at its core I would say my job is simply to help people where I can.

iPhone or Android?

iPhone for work, Pixel for personal. I like to keep my digital worlds separate, but I definitely prefer Pixel. Our family converted to Google years ago and have not looked back since.

What fictional character did you identify with as a child?

Haplo from the Death Gate Cycle book series. It came at a foundational time in my life, and I always admired his story. A close second would be Picard [from Star Trek].

What advice would you give to your 18 year-old self?

I would ask him the same questions I ask my six-year old son every night, hoping it would make him focus on what is really important in this world: Did you love? Did you listen? Did you learn?

If you could enroll in one course, program, or degree right now, what would it be?

I would take a course taught by either Greg Anderson or Jared Wesley [professors in the department of political science] — their ability to understand and explain the major forces in public policy is amazing. I would also want to enroll in Madrigal Singers again. I miss singing. I was in Madrigal Singers, U of A Handbells, and U of A Mixed Chorus for a few years during my undergrad.

What is your go-to snack, lunch, or drink?

Tamari almonds and black coffee.

What is something your co-workers don’t yet know about you?

They know I have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever because I talk about him all the time, but I don’t think they know that I have a tattoo that took 24 hours to complete.

What is the most important thing in your [home] office?

My phone charger! I would also have to pick three more personal items: a photo of our family taken when our son completed his first mountain hike in Waterton National Park, the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, and the book Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes. I lived and worked in Afghanistan for nearly two years and it was one of our team’s projects that I am most proud of.

What are three words you would use to describe your U of A experience so far?

Dynamic. Complex. Exciting.

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About Adam Sweet

Born and raised in rural Alberta, Adam is a proud Alumnus of the U of A’s Political Science program and former Senator of the U of A Senate. After graduating from the U of A, Adam moved to Ottawa where he held multiple roles for various Members of Parliament and Ministers, most recently serving as Press Secretary to Canada’s Environment Minister. Prior to Ottawa, Adam worked at Canada’s Embassy in Washington, DC, and spent nearly two years overseas.