Winter 2005 Events

January | February | March | April


Tsunami Relief Fundraiser
January 10 - 24, 12:00-1:00pm

The International Law Society will be collecting donations on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross as part of the international disaster relief efforts currently underway for those affected in December's tragic earthquake/tsunami in South and Southeast Aisa. We will have a booth set up at the JA Weir Library for the noon to 1pm during the first two weeks of school. We encourage you to participate in this campaign - 85% of every dollar will go directly to providing food, medical supplied, and clean drinking water/water purification tablets to victims and their families. The Red Cross is asking for cash donations only at this time. For more information on the Red Cross, please visit their website at

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Lisa Caines and Alex Yiu at

University of Alberta International Week
January 31 - February 4
Various locations throughout UofA Campus

The theme of this year's International Week is: Making Poverty History - Achieving the Millennium Development Goals. With speakers, workshops, displays and performing and visual arts, this event is a must see every year!

International Week is the largest annual educational extracurricular event on campus and 2005 marks its 20th year! The goal of this event is to cultivate greater awareness within our campus and broader community about global issues ranging from human rights to the environment to peace and human security.

For more information about the events of International Week pick up a program brochure at the International Office located in HUB Mall.
tel: 780.492.2692


UAILS' Participation in International Week 2005
Tuesday February 1st, 12:30-2:00pm
Humanities Lecture Hall 3

The University of Alberta International Law Society is excited to welcome a panel of three distinguished guests to address issues relating to Humanitarian Law and its relationship with the Millennium Development Goals. Joining us are:

Dr. Tom Keating - from the Department of Political Science;
Mr. Dennis Edney - Edmonton based lawyer currently representing Omar Khadr; and
LCOL (Ret'd) Brian Murphy - Sessional Lecturer within the Faculty of Law covering Military Law. Mr. Murphy has also acted as Assistant Judge Advocate General and has extensive experience in criminal, court martial, and international law.

These three individuals will bring a unique perspective to the nature of war, politics, poverty and the interplay between them.

For more information, please contact Lisa Caines and Alex Yiu at




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