On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee, the Kule Folklore Centre with its Friends Society, and the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, we are pleased to let you know that registration is now open for the conference Ukrainian Archival Collections in Canada: Preserving the Past, Building the Future conference to be held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, May 11th - 13th, 2018.
Please register online https:/
Registration includes:
- Access to all sessions
- Conference materials
- All conference meals
- Welcome Reception (Friday evening)
- Tour of the Provincial Archives of Alberta
Registration does not include:
- Banquet on Saturday evening
- Tour to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
Registration fee waivers are available for volunteers. Please contact us at ukrfolk@ualberta.ca to discuss volunteer opportunities before registeri
The conference will start at 9 am. on May 11th, and will end with an optional tour to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village on Sunday afternoon, May 13th. Preliminary program will be posted shortly along with practical information for participants.
We look forward to seeing you in Edmonton in May.