The Institution of Knowledge

22 October 2021


Proposals Due: February 15, 2022

How do institutions structure the knowledge(s) they are supposed to nurture? If we think about institutions as forms of bureaucratic technology, then we can ask how they make, curate and maintain data, information, knowledge and even wisdom. We can ask what is the shape of the knowledge instituted and what or who is left out.

The Kule Institute for Advanced Study is organizing a hybrid exhibit, symposium and publication around the Institution of Knowledge. We are looking for proposals from artists, designers, administrators, thinkers, social scientists, and humanists to participate in a two year dialogue that will include:

  • Publication in Fall of 2023 of a Catalogue or volume 2 of essays, interventions, and exhibit documentation.
  • An Exhibit in May of 2023 of working artistic and design interventions, combined with
  • Symposium where draft papers/provocations are presented for discussion.
  • Publication in Fall of 2022 of a Preliminary Provocations or loose volume 1 of planning drawings, sketches, draft ideas, notes, dialogues, administrative documents and processes.
  • Online Meetups in the winter of 2022 and 2023.

Click Here for More Information