88 Keys to Artistic Success
We did it!
We are excited to announce we have reached our goal of raising $250,000 to purchase the new Steinway Model D concert grand piano.
Thank you to all our generous donors for making this dream a reality!
Founding Benefactors
Jerry & Vivian Gail Korpan
Dale & Joanne Robarts
Inspiring Patrons
Jim Carter & Lorraine Bray
John & Susan Hokanson
Edward Johnson
Irving & Dianne Kipnes
Maestro's Society
Lesley Cormack
William Kelly & Lanna Shew
Jack & Esther Ondrack
Thomas & Melanie Nakatsui
Concerto Society
Bob & Sheryl Bowhay
William G. Breese
David & Carol Cass
Stephen & Lynn Mandel
Leonard Ratzlaff
Robert Rosen
Gabe & Connie Shelley
Sharon Sherman
William & Anna Street
88 Keys Society
Sam & Angela Abouhassan
Barbara Batoni
Stephen & Carolyn Campbell
Colleen Carr
Pamela K. Farmer
Michael Frishkopf & Iman Mersal
Alberto Reyes & Britta Jensen
Tiit Kodar
Heather McCaw
Gordon & Dianna Millard
Joseph H. Miller
Fordyce & Patricia Pier
Albin Shanley
Janice Wan
Andrew Wan
Sheila C. Weatherill
Neil & Jean Wilkinson
And various anonymous donors
Thank you. The purchase of this beautiful instrument will allow our students to achieve excellence as well as communicate and display their artistry and knowledge. It will provide our students, faculty and guest artists with an instrument befitting a world class institution.
William H. Street
Professor and Chair
Department of Music, Faculty of Arts