Chair's Update on BMus Concentrations

I am very pleased to tell you that Dean Cormack has accepted our rationale for retaining the composition concentration in the BMus degree and will not suspend enrolments in this route at this time.

16 September 2013

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to tell you that Dean Cormack has accepted our rationale for retaining the composition concentration in the BMus degree and will not suspend enrolments in this route at this time. In her response to my report on the four BMus concentrations under review she acknowledges the positive steps already taken in our curriculum review--especially the "3 energetic and committed instructors who are working to make this specialization more successful"--and agrees that it would "be counter-productive to close this concentration at this time."

Concentrations in School Music, World Music, and Music History will now proceed through governance towards suspending of admissions to these routes. The Dean's letter indicates that there will be opportunities for further discussions on these programs at subsequent stages in the governance process.

The Faculty of Arts has committed to review low enrolment programs on an ongoing basis (every 3 years) in order to ensure that we are meeting our students' needs to the best of our abilities. We are therefore encouraged to increase student enrolment in the BMus composition concentration for (re)evaluation in 2016.

