Chapter Written in Immunology’s Foremost Textbook
31 July 2023

Anderson Laboratory Research Team Enjoying a Social Gathering
Dr. Colin Anderson’s research team has celebrated its successes, but said farewell to two key members, Dr. Adeolu Adegoke and Kevin Zhan. Dr. Adegoke has moved on to a clinical fellowship at the University of Utah, Kevin has now started medical school at University of Calgary.
The team’s achievements include including writing a chapter on immunologic tolerance – Dr. Anderson was the lead author – in immunology’s foremost textbook, Paul’s Fundamental Immunology (link below; also now available online in UofA libraries). The authors in this textbook are typically the world leaders in their field, so Dr. Anderson says “It was a real honour to be invited.”
Papers the team recently published include: examining the role of a metabolic pathway in T cells and effects in a multiple sclerosis model, published in Cell Reports; A report from a small international workshop group that pulls together knowledge from diverse areas to identify important questions relevant to immunology and related disciplines such as transplantation, published in Scandinavian Journal of Immunology and a paper identifying a signaling pathway involved in chronic rejection of transplants in American Journal of Transplantation.