U of A for Tomorrow Updates: March 24, 2022
24 March 2022

Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:
Impacts to position opportunities and recruitment as SET comes to an end
As the SET program concludes on March 31 the SET EOI process and SET-related hiring statements will no longer apply; as well, the Position Opportunities Page (POP) will be retired. Anyone interested in pursuing a new role after April 1 should watch the Careers page for all available postings. For managers, if you wish to post a position that is restricted to internal applicants, please indicate that when you Request a Job Posting. For more details, read on.
UAT profile: meet Corey
In this series, get to know some of the people who have taken on new roles as part of the university’s operating model. This week, meet Corey Chevraux, Manager, Learning Space Technology.
Looking back at the first six months of the Student Service Centre
To celebrate the first six months of the Student Service Centre, we reached out to Raymond Matthias, Director, to talk about its successes, difficulties, and evolution towards the vision. Read on for more discussion about the Student Service Centre.
Final reminder for Ask SET Anything: Looking Ahead edition
Join the SET team for the final edition of our Ask SET Anything series this coming Tuesday, March 29, from 2 - 3 p.m. While the SET program is officially ending on March 31, we know there is still significant work that needs to be done to implement, sustain, and enhance the operating model. Learn more about the transition period ahead and have the opportunity to ask questions about what comes next. The deadline to register is Monday, March 28 at 4 p.m.