ExAlta 1 Successfully Deployed

The Ex-Alta 1 cube satellite built by the University of Alberta's AlbertaSat team was successfully deployed into low Earth orbit at 2:55:00 am mountain time from the International Space Station. Team members watched a live stream of the deployment via webex, thanks to NASA and Nanoracks.

26 May 2017

15 minutes later the team went outside and watched as the ISS transited across the night sky, a bright star floating by (caused by sunlight reflected off the station's solar panels), knowing that nearby Ex-Alta 1 was tumbling away on its journey to space.

A few hours later, as Ex-Alta 1 passed over South Korea and Japan, radio operators there recorded the first few beacons from Ex-Alta 1! This signaled the successful startup of the satellite, successful deployment of the antennas, and successful startup of the spacecraft subsystems!

The next steps will involve beginning the commissioning of the satellite in preparation for science operations.

Congratulations to all those involved in the ExAlta 1 mission!!