Celebrating a “Covid Christmas” Away from Home

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Courtesy IST

For many of us, the Christmas season may look a little different this year due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases all around the world, and especially with Alberta’s stronger public health measures in effect. Among other things, this means all indoor and outdoor gatherings are banned.

Christmas for me usually means packing and travelling to visit my parents, siblings, and extended family in the UK, and spending Christmas and New Year’s Eve with them. Having dinner with all of my siblings and cousins, and seeing people that have known me since I was a little girl, is a highlight I always look forward to. A few years back, I started going to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park and was going to make that a tradition. However, COVID-19 has changed these plans and traditions. Apart from travel restrictions and the self-isolation that one must endure pre- and post-travel, I would be worried about passing the virus to my parents and my young nephews.

I am sure this is a plight that affects each and every one one of us. Whether our family and friends are here in Edmonton, in Canada, or anywhere else around the world, we have to alter how we plan to celebrate this holiday season. While some things have to change, not all things are bad! There are still some things I am looking forward to while we celebrate a “Covid Christmas:”

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Enjoying Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, London, UK in Christmas Past.

Phone or video calls with family members to see how everyone is doing

I am still very much looking forward to calling my loved ones and dedicating time during the holiday season to check in with everyone. I remember in March when quarantine started that checking up on our loved one was encouraged.

[Editors note: check out IST’s resources for hosting a festive digital get-together including Zoom backgrounds, games, and more.]

Eating lots of good food

I don’t know about you but I plan to spend time eating lots of good food and indulging in Christmas treats like cake, cake, and more cake!

Spending time decorating the house and getting into the Christmas spirit

It doesn’t have to be anything overboard, but spend some time making your living space reflect the Christmas spirit. That could mean playing Christmas carols and buying eggnog if that’s your thing. It could also mean getting a Christmas tree set up, no mater how small it may be. You could decorate your living space with lights to create a wintery feel!

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Photo by leonie on Unsplash

Taking lots of pictures to capture the good memories around the Christmas season

This may look a little different this year, but you can screenshot your video calls and even have an impromptu selfie photoshoot with the decorations in your living space to share a little of the Christmas cheer.

Spending some time journaling and thinking over the year, while preparing for the new year ahead.

Self-reflection is always important especially in times like these. We can always look back and think about what we are grateful to have achieved in 2020. The year felt like it flew by in some aspects and went really slow in others. However, no matter how things may have panned out, 2020 is coming to an end and as we prepare for the new year ahead it’s important to review, reflect and re-strategize for the coming year.

Whatever the holiday season may look like for you this year, try and spend some time creating or continuing established traditions. This is the time to spend with family and loved ones or to spend loving and checking in with your family and loved ones as we prepare for 2021.

Merry Christmas, and may there be a wonderful new year ahead!