Avoiding burnout

Iman shares her top tips to support mental health as the term ends.



YouAlberta is written by students for students.

Iman (she/her) is a fourth-year Science, Technology and Society major in the Faculty of Arts. Born and raised in Edmonton, her current goal is to identify her true passions by trying new things. When not writing, you can find her reading, listening to music, making games, or perfecting the art of coffee! Iman enjoys getting to know new people and meeting friends while grabbing a coffee or a bubble tea.

As the semester comes to an end, most of us are probably getting into the summer vacation mindset…unless you're taking spring courses, in which case you are in all of our thoughts and prayers. The end is so close, yet it may still feel so far because of the burnout most of us are inevitably facing at this point in the semester. Especially after the fall semester, the winter semester is bound to feel like it's dragging on just a little too long. With finals right around the corner, we're in the final stretch and probably just barely hanging on. No one wants burnout to get in the way of summer, so here are some tips you can use to prevent it and get started on summer vacation, no matter how you choose to spend it!

Note: these are tips for some tactics you can try on your own, but if you need additional support, don't hesitate to contact a professional

Spring cleaning!

As the weather warms up, it's high time to get some spring cleaning done, whether this is going through your house and throwing out some old and unnecessary things (Mary Kondo style), clothes you don't wear anymore or expired ingredients. A clean and decluttered space can help your mind feel relaxed and happy. 

Podcasts and music!

One of the best ways for me to relax my mind is by getting myself into a new podcast. I didn't realize until recently how convenient they are. You can listen to them anywhere while doing anything, and there are just so many! My favourites to binge lately have been true crime podcasts — not very original of me! Put on a podcast while you do some spring cleaning. 

My music is an absolute mess right now, compiled into one long compilation of 'liked music.' Maybe you can find some joy in music and finally create those playlists you've been meaning to get to.

Get back outside!

If you've been hibernating indoors because of the weather, now is the time to get back outside! The weather's warming up, so now is the best time to incorporate some daily cardio into your everyday routine, whether this be walking, biking or jogging. If you don't already go to the gym, this could be a good time to start practicing healthy at-home habits like a quick yoga session in your living room or out on the grass. Tuning in with nature can be really good for mental health, so create those healthy habits!


One of my favourite things to do to destress is to indulge in my favourite snacks! Whether this be picking up some bubble tea, spending an afternoon baking some brownies or experimenting with a new latte hot chocolate blend, a nice snack is always a pick-me-up. Maybe you'll find the time to learn to cook and practice new meals every day. I always find that this makes me feel accomplished and fulfilled. 


Do you have any hobbies you've had to put down for the semester? A crochet project you've been dying to get back to and finish? There's no better time to get back to your hobbies than while you're facing burnout. Doing what you love is the best way to relax your mind. Maybe this is your time to try out something new, grab some supplies and head out to a local park to do some crafting. 

Pick up where you left off!

I don't know about you, but for some reason, my brain decides that the best time to get back into a video game (and get another crippling addiction) is going to be right around the time I am stressed and have no time for it. While you're trying to prevent or relieve burnout, maybe the best thing to do is get involved in another story world, whether this be a book, a TV show, a game that you never finished or a new one you've been meaning to start. 

See your loved ones!

At this point in the semester, everyone is probably at some level of isolation due to the sheer amount of assignments and exams we all have. Locking yourself up and studying so much can be draining. Take some time out to make plans with your friends to do something fun (it doesn't have to be productive); it'll be super refreshing after all that hard work. It's also really helpful to see other people going through the same experiences as you. 

Preventing and dealing with burnout can be very exhausting. It makes it hard to go through your day and complete your daily routines and commitments. Though it can feel hard to take time out for yourself, taking care of your mind and body during this time is very important. It'll be better for you in the long run! I hope you're all able to take something away from this and practice a new self-care habit.