Mental Wellness

Learning Specialist Support

First Peoples' House partners with the Academic Success Centre at the U of A to offer First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students academic support through the Learning Specialist. Our Learning Specialist, Kersten Merry, is a professional learning advisor who supports our students by helping them develop and improve their academic skills.

Learn more about Kersten

Writing Mentors

The Writing Mentors program supports current undergraduate First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students in their academics, in particular their writing skills. Every student has the resiliency and the drive to succeed - the Writing Mentors provide the guidance and positive reinforcement to encourage this success.

The First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Writing Mentors will be assisting students with their course writing in a variety of disciplines. Mentors will be available in the First Peoples' House during specific time periods.

Meet the 2022-23 Writing Mentors

Tutoring Support

Through the Academic Support Program, First Peoples’ House is able to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students by covering the cost of tutors or other approved on-campus academic supports that are designed to improve academic success in university coursework.

Students are encouraged to find their own tutors, although First Peoples’ House can assist. The Students’ Union maintains a registry of tutors. Instructors, teaching assistants, and fellow students can also help identify possible tutors. 

Access support for tutoring

Need Academic Advising?

Please connect with your faculty student services directly to discuss any academic questions you may have such as course selection, add/drop deadlines, financial holds and academic standing etc.

Librarians in Residence

The librarians will be in the First Peoples' House for drop-in hours on Wednesdays from 1 - 3 p.m. 

Librarian in Residence: Anne

anne carr-wiggins

My name is Anne and I'm the subject librarian for Native Studies. I also work with the staff of six First Nations college libraries across Alberta on the First Nations Information Connection (FNIC), a collaboration that involves a shared catalogue and research resources for students and faculty.

I will be available on Wednesday afternoons to show you some ways to make research for your assignments easier! We can also put you in touch with your librarian for all your subject areas. You can contact the library any time for library help.