David & Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety & Risk Management

John Cocchio

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John Cocchio, P.Eng., MBA

Industrial Professor

David and Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management
University of Alberta

John R. Cocchio, P.Eng., MBA, is an Industrial Professor at The David and Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta. John has been teaching “Leadership in Risk Management” to senior engineering students at The University of Alberta since 2012.

John draws on his expertise in the areas of occupational safety and process safety risk management. His expertise is based on over 32 years industry experience in a broad range of process technologies in several world-scale chemical, petrochemical, and plastics manufacturing plants, and covers: manufacturing operations and operations management; process / engineering design safety; engineering and project management, occupational safety; and regulatory compliance in occupational safety and the engineering profession.

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