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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Programme aims “to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations”.


Topic 1: The question of environmental accountability for resource extraction.

Resource extraction often causes massive damage to the environment, but is undeniably necessary for day-to-day economic operations. The issue should consider the extent of permissible environmental damage that resource extraction entails, which states are the most
notorious in these practices, and whether private-sector should be accountable (and to what extent) for repairing damages.

Topic 2: The question of standardization of the 'organic' food label.

The organic food label is used for cause-marketing in many Western countries, but standards are varied and sometimes a sham. A standard world organic brand could have impacts on environment (better practices) and economy (developing economies could have another cashcrop
area). However, Third World countries may not have the resources necessary to grow in sustainable ways, and would become further disadvantaged in agriculture.

Research Materials

Background Paper: The question of environmental accountability for resource extraction.

Background Paper: The question of standardization of the 'organic' food label.

NOTE: Background papers are written by members of the dais, intervention, and secretariat and are designed as an introduction to the topic, not as a replacement for more in-depth research related to national positions.

Please visit the main HSMUN blog for topical news updates and research tips.

Dais Staff

Chair: Alan Shapiro

Director: Ashley Schneider

Attache: Theresa Thorpe