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United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

UNICEF was originally created in 1946 to provide emergency food and health care services to children in Europe. Since then it has become a permanent part of the UN system. Along with continuing to provide children world wide with food and health care services, UNICEF is also tasked with upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In addition to referring to the UNICEF web page for information, be sure to consult the HSMUN blog regularly for news updates on the topics and conference.


Delegates to this year’s committee will discuss how to coordinate international efforts against internet child pornography. They will also consider the question of how to prevent and control malnutrition in children.

Research Materials

Background Paper: The Question of Preventing and Controlling Child Malnutrition

Background Paper: The Question of Coordinating International Efforts Against Child Pornograpy on the Internet

Background Papers are only available in .pdf format. If you do not have a pdf reader, you can download a free reader from Adobe.

NOTE: Background papers are written by members of the dais, intervention, and secretariat and are designed as an introduction to the topic, not as a replacement for more in-depth research related to national positions.

Please check the main HSMUN blog for topical news updates and research tips.

Dais Staff

Chair: Natalie Pon

Director: Muhammed Patel

Attaché: Elzbieta Tymon