Chat With Our Students

Want to know what life is like as a U of A student? Connect with a current student today and hear all about it straight from the source!

While our students are happy to chat about their university journey, they cannot answer questions related to admissions, scholarships and study permits. Instead, please contact the Student Service Centre. For international students, please contact our International Recruitment Team.

Start a Conversation

Getting started is easy, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Select a student to chat with by scrolling through the list, or filter to find someone enrolled in a program you are interested in or perhaps from the same province or country.
  2. Click “Ask me a question”. 
  3. Fill out a quick profile.
  4. Start chatting!

Ask a Question

Not sure where to start? Try asking any of the following questions:

  • What is a typical day at university like for you?
  • How did you choose the program you are in?
  • What is your favourite spot on campus?
  • What clubs and activities are you involved in outside of classes?

Our ambassadors aim to respond within 24 hours of receiving your message, but being a student gets busy so please be patient.