The Department of Accounting and Business Analytics is one of four departments in the Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.
In accounting, we offer undergraduate courses that form the basis for an accounting major, with many graduates who pursue careers in professional accounting. We also offer a strong PhD program in accounting.
In business analytics, we offer core and elective undergraduate courses in business statistics, operations, management, and management information systems, which form the basis for majors in business technology management and operations management. At the master's level, we offer MBA courses that support a concentration in business analytics. At the PhD level, we offer a specialization in operations and information systems.
Department Announcements
NEW Course: OM 621, LEC X01 - Data Visualization
When: Fall 2024, Monday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Dan Haight and Joey Cherdarchuk
Description: Visual displays of quantitative information include charts, tables, maps, dashboards, animations, and more. Such displays can be used to understand, to inform, and to convince. This course will focus on strategies for carefully and clearly communicating analytical findings to the people who need to take action based on them. We will learn to use both basic tools (MS Excel) and advanced tools (Tableau and R) to create visual displays. Evaluation components will include assignments, presentations, and exams (midterm and final exam).
Prerequisites: MGTSC 501