
About The ATI

The Alberta Transplant Institute is a multidisciplinary, virtual institute that brings together researchers, clinicians, educators/scholars, trainees, allied health personnel, and patient-partners to work towards common goals of improving transplantation and donation in Alberta, and achieving global impact in cutting-edge research, improvements in patient care, education, and advocacy.

Transplantation has a long-history at the University of Alberta. The clinical transplant programs perform between 250-300 transplant procedures per year in adults and children for kidney, heart, liver, lung. pancreas, and intestinal transplantation.

The Alberta Transplant Institute is the home of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP), a national research network funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and partners, designed to increase organ and tissue donation in Canada, and enhance the survival and quality of life of Canadians who receive transplants. The Alberta Transplant Institute is also home to the world's largest islet transplant program.


The ATI is a hub to lead the Alberta donation and transplantation ecosystem to excellence in research, education, and advocacy. 

  • Improve outcomes for patients, families and donors (living and deceased) by supporting ATI members in achieving internationally-recognized excellence in donation and transplantation research
  • Train and promote the next generation of donation and transplantation specialists
  • Support patient, family, and donor-led advocacy in donation and transplantation



  • Increased collective research output and impact of ATI members
  • Educational opportunities are available to all learners in the ATI community to support their professional achievements
  • ATI is an essential resource and partner for patients, families, and donors



The ultimate impact of all of the above successes

will be improved long-term health and wellness for transplant recipients

and a strengthened donation system in Alberta. 

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Alberta Transplant Institute

6-002 Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research
Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1