Vision, Mission & Values


A Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine recognized for people who embrace exceptional patient care and innovative education and research.


To provide the best quality patient care, education and research through teamwork, safe practices and innovation. View our 2023-24 Department Annual Report.



The availability of information is free and open while simultaneously remaining respectful of privacy requirements and confidentiality agreements. We believe this to be the foundation of the way we work with each other, our colleagues and patients.


We own our actions and outcomes. We believe in measuring and reporting our results.


We value others, their differences, their contributions, their inherent worth as individuals.

We believe in the autonomy and dignity of individuals, the mutuality of our relationships and the principle of inclusiveness.


We fulfill our duty to the public, give back to the profession, act with integrity, fulfill our obligations to one another and deliver safe care. We believe in the principle "First do no harm".


We are lifelong learners. We believe in creating a nurturing, learning environment that challenges and mentors individuals to reach their full potential.


We are open to trying and evaluating better ways of doing things and to a culture of curiosity and discovery.

Workplace satisfaction

We are a workplace that values its people, is responsive to their lifestyle needs and engages their hearts and minds. We believe in valuing the worker as much as the work.


We are committed not only to the wellness of our patients, but to ourselves, each other and our families. 'Balance' is fundamental to this value.