Multifaceted Evaluation of Teaching and Learning
Please note, we are currently building more resources to help you reflect on the multifaceted evaluation of teaching. As a first step, we have focused on Student Perspectives of Teaching (SPOT), which is only one tool to assist with this comprehensive evaluation.
The multifaceted evaluation of teaching and learning approach supports a holistic understanding and assessment of teaching practices. It integrates multiple dimensions (the voices of students, peers, and instructors) across various modalities (evidence or artifacts of teaching).
Multifaceted evaluation of teaching and learning can be both formative and summative:
Formative evaluation gathers information for the instructor to use in improving their teaching and occurs at many points during an instructional period.
Summative evaluation aims to form judgments about teaching effectiveness. At the U of A, it gathers information to be used by colleagues and administrators in making decisions related to annual reviews, including reappointment, promotion, or tenure.
The Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation Policy articulates the university’s approach to the multifaceted evaluation of teaching. Appendix B of this policy outlines the five domains of the Framework for Effective Teaching, listing specific indicators of quality teaching and evidence sources. These indicators are guide instructors and are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive nor evidence types.
Consult with a CTL Educational Developer for support with the multifaceted evaluation of teaching and learning.