StageLab 2012 runs Aug 27 - 31 at the Timms Centre for the Arts
A showcase of innovative work presented by the University of Alberta Department of Drama faculty, StageLab Festival 2012 brings research to life August 27 to 31 at the Timms Centre for the
Arts. Download Media Release (PDF)
Arts. Download Media Release (PDF)
In its second year, this free festival throws open the rehearsal hall doors and welcomes the community
into the world of theatre creation. StageLab is an exciting collection of new wave performance including
multimedia experiments, adaptations of pivotal cultural and societal works, improvised dance and music,
sound art installations and more.
"The Drama Department at the University of Alberta is privileged to have some of the most talented
practicing theatre artists in the country on its faculty, says Department of Drama Chair Kathleen Weiss.
"Our summer festival, StageLab, is a recent initiative made possible by the Timms Theatre Innovation
Fund. It showcases the creative activity of our faculty in a professional setting. Based in the Timms Centre
for the Arts, StageLab encourages collaboration among faculty and creates a unique context to share
innovative ideas about theatre. StageLab 2012 is dedicated to creative activity research that pushes
boundaries around space, form and performance styles."
StageLab Festival 2012
August 27 - 31 at The Timms Centre for the Arts
FREE and open to the public
For schedule information, please visit www.drama.ualberta/StageLab
Featuring performances and work by: Stefan Dzeparoski, Erin T. Gruber, Matthew Skopyk, Kim McCaw,
Kris Joseph, Nancy McAlear, Molly Pearson, Joel Adria, Donia Mounsef, Katie Balcom, Stefano
Muneroni, Simon Bloom, John Raymond, Nicholas Diaz, Michelle Rios, Doug Mertz, Michele Brown,
Francisco De Jesus Montaño, Jan Selman, Tololwa Mollel, John Battye, Joanna Black, Marie Nychka,
Karen Porkka, Garth Prinsonsky, Nadien Chu, Monice Peter, Mark Vetsch, Adam Blocka, Piet Defraeye,
Justine Moelker, Scott Smallwood, Patrick Arés-Pilon, Gordana Zivkovic, Marko Zivkovic, Sylvia Grist,
Gerry Morita, Kristine Nutting, Zachary Polis, Jake Hastey, Lin Snelling, Peter Bingham, Rob Kitsos,
Michael Reinhart, Gerry Van Hezewyk, Larry Clark and Shannon Lucky.
Media Contact: Megan Dart | Catch the Keys Productions | mdart@catcthekeys.ca | 780.994.7113
Interview Contact: Priscilla Yakielashek | yakielas@ualberta.ca | 780.250.3503
General Inquiries: stagelab.uofa@gmail.com
into the world of theatre creation. StageLab is an exciting collection of new wave performance including
multimedia experiments, adaptations of pivotal cultural and societal works, improvised dance and music,
sound art installations and more.
"The Drama Department at the University of Alberta is privileged to have some of the most talented
practicing theatre artists in the country on its faculty, says Department of Drama Chair Kathleen Weiss.
"Our summer festival, StageLab, is a recent initiative made possible by the Timms Theatre Innovation
Fund. It showcases the creative activity of our faculty in a professional setting. Based in the Timms Centre
for the Arts, StageLab encourages collaboration among faculty and creates a unique context to share
innovative ideas about theatre. StageLab 2012 is dedicated to creative activity research that pushes
boundaries around space, form and performance styles."
StageLab Festival 2012
August 27 - 31 at The Timms Centre for the Arts
FREE and open to the public
For schedule information, please visit www.drama.ualberta/StageLab
Featuring performances and work by: Stefan Dzeparoski, Erin T. Gruber, Matthew Skopyk, Kim McCaw,
Kris Joseph, Nancy McAlear, Molly Pearson, Joel Adria, Donia Mounsef, Katie Balcom, Stefano
Muneroni, Simon Bloom, John Raymond, Nicholas Diaz, Michelle Rios, Doug Mertz, Michele Brown,
Francisco De Jesus Montaño, Jan Selman, Tololwa Mollel, John Battye, Joanna Black, Marie Nychka,
Karen Porkka, Garth Prinsonsky, Nadien Chu, Monice Peter, Mark Vetsch, Adam Blocka, Piet Defraeye,
Justine Moelker, Scott Smallwood, Patrick Arés-Pilon, Gordana Zivkovic, Marko Zivkovic, Sylvia Grist,
Gerry Morita, Kristine Nutting, Zachary Polis, Jake Hastey, Lin Snelling, Peter Bingham, Rob Kitsos,
Michael Reinhart, Gerry Van Hezewyk, Larry Clark and Shannon Lucky.
Media Contact: Megan Dart | Catch the Keys Productions | mdart@catcthekeys.ca | 780.994.7113
Interview Contact: Priscilla Yakielashek | yakielas@ualberta.ca | 780.250.3503
General Inquiries: stagelab.uofa@gmail.com