Creative Writing Course Listings
Please consult the University Calendar for a full listing of our Creative Writing courses , not all of which are offered in a given year. Our department also offers English and Film Studies courses.
Fall 2024
WRITE 294 A1: Introduction to Writing Poetry
WRITE 294 X01: Introduction to Writing Poetry
WRITE 295 A1: Introduction to Writing Fiction
WRITE 295 X01: Introduction to Writing Fiction
WRITE 297 A1: Introduction to Writing NonFiction
WRITE 297 X01: Introduction to Writing NonFiction
WRITE 392 A1: Intermediate Poetry
WRITE 393 A1: Intermediate Fiction
WRITE 397 A1: Intermediate NonFiction
WRITE 399 A1: Projects in Genre
Experimental and Avant-Garde Poetics
J. Abel
In Rob Fitterman and Vanessa Place’s book Notes on Conceptualisms, their first and perhaps most important note is that “conceptual writing is allegorical writing.” Which is to say that conceptual writing is about writing things that can’t be articulated openly in this moment for one reason or another. Conceptualism, then must challenge, must confront, must say something that cannot be said. Using a range of experimental and avant-garde approaches, we will work individually and in groups to develop our own projects from idea to realization. Possible main course readings include NourbeSe Philip’s Zong!, Tom Committa’s O, Sonnet L’abbe’s Sonnet’s Shakespeare, Sheila Heti’s Alphabetical Diaries, Matthew Weigel’s Whitemud Walking, and Nisha Patel’s A Fate Worse Than Death.
WRITE 399 A2: Projects in Genre
Screenwriting (Combined with FS 399 A1 and DRAMA 307)
Winter 2025
WRITE 294 B1: Introduction to Writing Poetry
WRITE 295 B1: Introduction to Writing Fiction
WRITE 295 X50: Introduction to Writing Fiction
WRITE 297 B1: Introduction to (Creative) Non-Fiction Workshop
WRITE 297 X50: Introduction to Writing NonFiction
WRITE 393 X50: Intermediate Fiction
WRITE 399 B2: Projects in Genre
Creative Writing Video Games
WRITE 494 B1: Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
WRITE 495 B1: Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction
WRITE 498 B1: Advanced Creative Writing: NonFiction
Previous Offerings
2023-24 Fall and Winter Creative Writing Courses
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