Payments for Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses
Travel Expenses
The Travel Management unit within Supply Management Services (SMS), which operates under the Vice-President (Finance and Administration) portfolio, is responsible for providing the university with efficient and effective travel products and services to meet the needs of the campus community, and for travel expense business processes.
Information on the university's travel program (UALBERTA Travel Program) is available from the Supply Management Services - Travel Management website. This Guide section summarizes the financial administration of travel expenses, excluding those paid through the Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) program.
Employee Travel Expenses
Reimbursements to employees for travel expenses are processed through the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module.
UAPPOL Procedures:
Travel Processes & Expense Procedure
Travel Processes & Expense Procedure - Appendix A - Schedule of Allowable Travel Expenses
Non-Employee Travel Expenses
University business travel expenses may be incurred by non-employees such as the following:
- visiting speakers, lecturers or researchers
- students participating in field trips or other curricular activities
- interviewees for university positions
Reimbursements to non-employees for travel expenses are processed through SMS - Payment Services.
UAPPOL Procedure:
Other Reimbursable Expenses
Expense Reimbursement
Procurement and Contract Management (PCM) within Supply Management Services is responsible for expense reimbursement, excluding those paid through the Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) program.
The University has established procedures for ordering goods and services with processes based on the nature and the value of the goods and services ordered. Employees must follow these procedures when purchasing foods and services. The use of personal resources to purchase goods and services for university business purposes is discouraged. It is recognized, however, that in rare circumstances, using personal funds may be the most practical method available.
Only employees may claim reimbursement for goods and services. The Expense Reimbursement Procedure details the process for reimbursing out-of-pocket expenses for incidental charges incurred by employees in support of University of Alberta business, teaching or research.
These reimbursements for are processed through the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module.
UAPPOL Procedure:
Expense Reimbursement Procedure
Professional Expense Reimbursement
The Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) program provides eligible academic staff with an annual allocation of funds for the reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred for the performance of their professional responsibilities. This program is administered by Human Resource Services.
These reimbursements are processed through the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module.
Professional Expense Reimbursement
Last updated: July 2019