ali shiri
Vice Dean
Ali Shiri is a Professor at the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education. He was the Associate Chair and Graduate Coordinator for the School (2013 - 2020). During this time, Dr. Shiri built an impressive track record of graduate program administration and took the lead on several innovative projects, including the development of an ePortfolio system that supports the documentation of program learning outcomes and professional development activities, as well as, significant contributions to the growth of a fully online graduate program.
Dr. Shiri received his PhD in Information Science from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. His research centers on digital libraries and digital repositories, user interaction with digital information, and data and learning analytics. Dr. Shiri's current SSHRC Insight Grant funded research project focuses on the design and development of cultural heritage digital libraries and digital storytelling systems for the Inuvialuit communities in Canada's Western Arctic.
Responsibilities as Vice-Dean
- As Vice Dean, I have the opportunity to work on a variety of special collaborative projects designed to improve the graduate school experience and to manage emergent issues. I recently led the development of GPS’s new Ethics and Academic Citizenship requirement for graduate students.
- I represent GPS on various committees, including the GFC Committee on Learning Environment, Research Data Management Institutional Group Committee, and the IT Steering Committee.
- I provide advice and support on GPS’s data and digital initiatives.
- I serve as the GPS lead for the graduate program external review process.
My advice to our graduate students:
- Enrich your graduate education through physical, social, and intercultural activities and opportunities on campus.
- Explore diverse approaches, interdisciplinary methods, and new digital tools and technologies. Remember creativity and innovation happens at the intersection of subject domains, disciplines, and fields of study.
Home Department
Professor, School of Library and Information Studies
- E-mail: gradvd@ualberta.ca
- Phone: 780-492-8959