Teaching Circle

People sitting around talking

Are you teaching this term, planning to teach or thinking about future teaching?

Consider taking part in the Graduate Teaching and Learning Program (GTLP) Teaching Circle — a series of informal, in-person meetings directed by you and your colleagues.

At our monthly meetings, members decide what topics they’d like to explore — from classroom management to student assessment and everything in between. They compare notes, share experiences and offer suggestions.

Meetings take place at noon on the last Thursday of each month in Triffo Hall 1-16. Members of the campus community are welcome to join by emailing  robertd1@ualberta.ca.

Upcoming Meetings

September 26: Everyone Makes Mistakes

Our next meeting takes place on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from noon to 1 p.m. in 1-16 Triffo Hall.

The session focuses on the mistakes, big and small, that we make in the course of teaching. We’ll share stories of things that have gone wrong and the ways we have responded and adapted our practice. The session will be facilitated by GTL alumnus and Graduate Student Teaching Award winner Zach Tervonen.

Please feel welcome to bring your own stories, as well as any questions you’d like to run by colleagues.

If you are interested in attending, RSVP here.