Diagnostic and Applied Microbiology
Divisional Director: Dr. Natalie Marshall
2B3.07 Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2J2
Email: Natalie.Marshall@albertaprecisionlabs.ca
Phone: 780-407-2767
Fax: 780-407-3864
The Division of Diagnostic and Applied Microbiology is a unique division within Laboratory Medicine and Pathology as it is closely partnered with the Provincial Public Health Laboratory. The Division of Diagnostic and Applied Microbiology provides acute microbiology diagnostic services to physicians within the University of Alberta Hospital and other local hospitals, processing in excess of 250,000 clinical specimens per year, and in collaboration with the Public Health Laboratory, joins in providing Public Health services related to Medical Microbiology to the Province of Alberta. Divisional members are active in undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate/medical residency level teaching programs through the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. The Division currently has the largest Medical Microbiology Residency training program in Canada (2010). In addition, Divisional members are highly active in both clinical and basic research programs in the Department with strong foci in bacterial and fungal antimicrobial resistance, gram positive invasion mechanisms and epidemiology, fungal pathogenesis etc..