Graduate Studies

As one of the leading Mathematics and Statistics departments in Canada, our main graduate programs are as follows.

Professionally-oriented program

 Course-based Master’s Program in Modelling, Data + Predictions (MDP)

This graduate training program in data science provides the students with a unique combination of data modelling and data analytics skills in preparation for related careers in industry and government. Designed to be completed in 16 months, the MDP program emphasizes the practical aspects of mathematical and statistical modelling, data analysis, statistical machine learning algorithms, and modern computational methods.

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Research-focused programs

Thesis-based Master's Program

This program usually takes two years to complete. This may be a terminal degree, but it is the natural option for students who want to pursue a PhD degree.

PhD Program

This program typically lasts four to five years. To be admitted, students normally need to have a thesis-based MSc degree in Mathematics or Statistics or equivalent. Students with a BSc will be enrolled in the MSc program; however, very strong students can transfer to the PhD program without first completing the MSc degree, subject to some restrictions.

Most of our students in a thesis-based master’s program and PhD program work as teaching assistants during the fall and winter terms and receive a funding guarantee.


We offer specializations in


Except for the MDP program, the application deadline for Fall (September) 2025 admission has now passed.

The application portal for Fall 2026 entry will open in Fall 2025. For the MDP program, applicants should send their CV, transcripts, and statement of purpose to the MDP Program Coordinator ( for prescreening.

Useful Resources


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