Student Resources

MACT students juggle a combination of family life, work and graduate studies. The program is designed to assist you to succeed while continuing to succeed in the other important areas of your life. The program has been designed to enable you to complete the degree in a minimum of two years. Our students tell us that it takes dedication of time and energy by them and a commitment of support by their family and friends to meet this goal. 

You will also have a commitment of support from the MACT team. You are assigned an academic advisor upon admission to the program. Advisors are faculty members who can offer guidance about the academic program including curriculum questions, elective course choices, your research question and finding an appropriate supervisor for the capstone research project.

Guidance about MACT and GPS policies is available through the MACT office. We can also help with questions about registration, fees, course schedules, online course troubleshooting and reading materials (

You will also receive support from your colleagues in the program. Each new intake of students (a cohort) begins the program at the Spring Institute in May. Each cohort of students moves through the curriculum together and this shared experience helps create a strong support system.