Event Parking
If you are planning an event on campus and are expecting a large group of guests, or would like to arrange bus parking, barricades, signage or parking officers, Parking Services can help.
Complete our event parking form at least 10 business days before your event, and we will contact you to arrange your special parking service. In order to guarantee your booking, Parking Services will process your payment at the time of booking. We accept payment by debit card (in person only), credit card or indent. Parking Services has the right to fill your request in another location, depending on availability.
We do our best to accommodate all special event parking requests; however, many events take place on campus throughout the year. Booking your special parking service at least 30 days in advance will help us guarantee your request.
If your event is taking place in the afternoon or evening, Parking Services must charge the full day rate plus a fee for set up and tear down. To guarantee you receive your requested number of parking spaces, we must block off your parking area the night before your event.
If you have questions about event parking, contact our event coordination team (pkgevent@ualberta.ca).
Parking Locations
Use our parking locations list to find the parking facility closest to your destination. Most of our parking facilities offer daily or hourly rates for visitors, including special flat rates for evening and weekend parking.