Boettcher, Igor CCIS 3-193 (780) 492-5692 iboettch@ualberta.ca Group website |
Theoretical physics, condensed matter theory, quantum field theory. | |
Boninsegni, Massimo CCIS 3-185 mboninsegni@ualberta.ca Group website |
Theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum many-body problems, superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose condensation, quantum Monte Carlo simulations, computational physics. | |
Bozorgnia, Nassim |
Dark matter theory, dark matter direct and indirect detection, stellar streams, cosmological simulations.
Charlebois, Daniel CCIS 3-189 (780) 492-4573 dcharleb@ualberta.ca Group website |
Computational & experimental biophysics, mathematical biology, synthetic biology: antimicrobial resistance, bioelectromagnetics, gene regulatory networks, machine learning for medical diagnostics, microbial evolution experiments, phenotypic heterogeneity, stochastic simulations. | |
Chow, Kim CCIS 3-187 (780) 492-4573 khchow@ualberta.ca Group website |
Novel properties of quantum bulk and nanomaterials. | |
Currie, Claire CCIS 3-094 (780) 492-1062 claire.currie@ualberta.ca Group website |
Geodynamics; lithosphere structure; mantle dynamics; evolution of convergent plate margins; continental tectonics; numerical modeling. | |
Czarnecki, Andrzej CCIS 2-101 (780) 492-5510 andrzej.czarnecki@ualberta.ca Group website |
Phenomenology of gauge interactions, searches for new physics. | |
Davis, John P CCIS 3-199 (780) 248-1410 jdavis@ualberta.ca Group website |
Our group combines low-temperature physics with advanced nanofabrication and state-of-the art measurement techniques to explore a variety of physics. Roughly half of the group is focused on using cavity optomechanics to explore the quantum realm and produce new quantum technologies, and the other half on superfluids in restricted geometries (quasi-2D), but we also have many other projects including a superfluid gravitational wave/dark matter detector and advancing cryogenic techniques. Our students go on to exciting careers in quantum technology and top-notch post-docs. | |
Dumberry, Mathieu CCIS 3-093 dumberry@ualberta.ca Group website |
Earth and planetary magnetic fields, Earth's rotation and gravitational field, global geodynamics and planetary dynamics, dynamo theory, planetary rotation, exoplanets. | |
Fernández, Rodrigo CCIS 2-093 (780) 248-1098 rafernan@ualberta.ca Group website |
Theoretical & computational astrophysics, transients & compact objects. | |
Freeman, Mark CCIS 3-195 (780) 492-4130 mark.freeman@ualberta.ca Group website |
The physics of nanomagnetic and nanomechanical systems, development and application of sensitive measurements of individual nanostructures (ultrafast optical microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, nanomechanical magnetometry), use of advanced nanofabrication methods to create nanosystems | |
Frolov, Valeri CCIS 3-091 (780) 492-1075 vfrolov@ualberta.ca Group website |
Classical and quantum gravity, black hole physics, gravitational physics in a spacetime with large extra dimensions, quantum field theory in a curved spacetime, cosmological defects, wormholes & time machine problem, role of quantum effects. | |
Gingrich, Doug CCIS 2-097 (780) 492-9501 gingrich@ualberta.ca Group website |
Experimental high energy particle physics, phenomenology of quantum gravity, phenomenology of superstring theory. | |
Gu, Jeff CCIS 3-107 (780) 492-2292 ygu@ualberta.ca Group website |
Regional crust and mantle seismic structure analysis, induced earthquakes, global seismic imaging. | |
Hallin, Aksel CCIS 2-087 (780) 492-3516 aksel.hallin@ualberta.ca Group website |
Galactic dark matter, measuring neutrino properties, solar neutrinos and geoneutrinos. | |
Hegmann, Frank CCIS 3-197 (780) 492-7852 hegmann@ualberta.ca Group website |
Condensed matter physics, ultrafast nanoscale quantum dynamics, ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, terahertz scanning tunneling microscopy, terahertz pulses, terahertz photonics, nanomaterials, charge transport, biological effects of terahertz pulses, femtosecond lasers, optics, photonics. | |
Heimpel, Moritz CCIS 3-092 (780) 492-3519 mheimpel@ualberta.ca |
Dynamics of planetary interiors, theoretical and numerical modelling of fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics applied to planetary atmospheres and interiors. | |
Heinke, Craig CCIS 2-109 heinke@ualberta.ca Group website |
Astronomy, astrophysics, black holes, neutron stars, X-ray binaries. | |
Ivanova, Natalia CCIS 2-107 (780) 248-1899 nata.ivanova@ualberta.ca |
Theoretical studies of interacting binaries: mass transfer in binaries, common envelope evolution, stellar evolution codes, stellar hydrodynamics codes, population's studies, compact binaries in globular clusters. | |
Krauss, Carsten CCIS 2-085 (780) 492-7610 carsten.krauss@ualberta.ca Group website |
Direct detection of dark matter, neutrino physics, low background detection of radioactivity. | |
Kravchinsky, Vadim CCIS 3-106 (780) 492-7464 vadim@ualberta.ca Group website |
Geophysics, paleomagnetism, petromagnetism, paleoclimate, environmental magnetism, magnetostratigraphy, tectonophysics. | |
LeBlanc, Lindsay CCIS 3-107 (780) 492-6562 lindsay.leblanc@ualberta.ca Group website |
Ultracold quantum gases, atomic quantum memory, atomic quantum computing, many-body physics, microwave atom-optics, quantum technologies. | |
Maciejko, Joseph CCIS 3-209 (780) 492-2149 maciejko@ualberta.ca Group website |
Quantum condensed matter theory: topology and geometry of quantum matter, quantum criticality, strongly correlated electrons. | |
Mann, Ian CCIS 3-213 (780) 492-6882 ian.mann@ualberta.ca Group website |
Astrophysics, experimental and theoretical research in space plasma physics and space weather, magnetometry. | |
Marchand, Richard CCIS 3-123 (780) 492-1061 richard.marchand@ualberta.ca |
Computational physics, physics of spacecraft interaction with space environment, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, particle in cell (PIC) simulations, finite elements, structured and unstructured meshes. | |
Marsiglio, Frank CCIS 3-179 (780) 492-1067 frank.marsiglio@ualberta.ca Group website |
Theory of high-temperature superconductivity, polaron physics, nanoscale superconductivity, strong electron correlations in solids, electron-phonon interaction in solids, spin current-induced spin-flip interactions. | |
Meldrum, Al CCIS 3-201 (780) 492-5342 ameldrum@ualberta.ca Group website |
Condensed matter physics | |
Moore, Roger CCIS 2-083 (780) 492-4170 rwmoore@ualberta.ca |
Particle physics, neutrinos, beyond the Standard Model. | |
Morsink, Sharon CCIS 2-111 morsink@ualberta.ca Group website |
Neutron stars, relativistic astrophysics. | |
Page, Don CCIS 3-121 (780) 492-4129 dpage@ualberta.ca |
Cosmology and theoretical gravitational physics. | |
Penin, Alexander CCIS 2-103 (780) 492-9632 penin@ualberta.ca Group website |
Perturbative quantum field theory and its application to particle and condensed matter physics. | |
Pinfold, James CCIS 2-099 (780) 492-2498 jpinfold@ualberta.ca |
Particle physics | |
Piro, Marie-Cécile CCIS 2-091 (780) 492-1074 mariecci@ualberta.ca Group website |
Dark matter, R&D on detector technology, cosmic ray muons, coherent scattering of solar neutrinos (CEvNS). Our group focuses on addressing common detection challenges of rare event searches, adding the directionality channel, on microphysics to understand the detector's behaviour at low energy, and searching for new rare physics processes.
Pogosian, Dmitri CCIS 2-105 (780) 492-2150 pogosyan@ualberta.ca |
Astrophysics | |
Potter, David CCIS 3-089 (780) 248-1972 dkpotter@ualberta.ca |
Geophysics | |
Rankin, Robert CCIS 3-211 (780) 492-5082 robert.rankin@ualberta.ca |
Astrophysics | |
Rastgoo, Saeed |
Classical and quantum gravity, black holes, cosmology, gravitational waves. | |
Rosolowsky, Erik CCIS 2-115 rosolowsky@ualberta.ca Group website |
Astrophysics; galaxy evolution; star formation; multi-wavelength observations with a focus on millimetre and radio wavelengths. Data and image processing; machine learning and statistical methods in astrophyiscs. | |
Rozmus, Wojciech CCIS 3-124 (780) 492-8486 wrozmus@ualberta.ca |
Theoretical and computational plasma physics. | |
Sacchi, Mauricio CCIS 3-105 (780) 492-1060 msacchi@ualberta.ca Group website |
Geophysics, Seismology, Seismic Imaging and Inversion, Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning for Geophysical Imaging, Diverse source and receceiver arrays for high-efficiency sensing. | |
Sivakoff, Gregory CCIS 2-113 (780) 492-7992 sivakoff@ualberta.ca Group website |
Performs multi-wavelength astronomical observations (with a focus on radio, millimetre, and X-ray observations), data mining, image processing, and statistical methods to: study the stellar undead (white dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellar-mass black holes that return to life by eating a nearby star) and supermassive black holes; learn how these objects produce highly-focused very-fast outflows (relativistic jets), as well as how jets affect their environment; reveal the foundations of the burgeoning field of multi-messenger astrophysics; and maximize discoveries within both wide-field and targetted time-domain astronomy. | |
Sutherland, Bruce CCIS 3-269 (780) 492-0573 bruce.sutherland@ualberta.ca Group website |
Geophysics, fluid dynamics, waves in stratified fluid, fluid-particle interactions, microplastic transport and settling. | |
Sydora, Richard CCIS 3-122 (780) 492-3624 rsydora@ualberta.ca |
Energy conversion and nonlinear processes in plasmas, physics of reconnecting magnetic fields, particle acceleration in plasmas (lasers, nonlinear plasma waves), turbulence and transport in plasmas, kinetic plasma simulation (particle and Vlasov methods). | |
Tuszynski, Jack CCIS 3-246 (780) 964-4517 jackt@ualberta.ca |
Collective dynamics of cellular proteins, rational drug design for cancer chemotherapy, nonlinear models of pharmacokinetic processes. | |
Unsworth, Martyn CCIS 3-102 (780) 492-3041 unsworth@ualberta.ca |
Electromagnetic geophysics, plate tectonics, volcanology, geothermal energy. | |
Van der Baan, Mirko CCIS 3-090 (780) 248-1414 mirko.vanderbaan@ualberta.ca |
Signal processing, microseismicity and seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media. | |
Wolkow, Robert CCIS 3-182 (780) 641-1725 rwolkow@ualberta.ca Group website |
Atom scale fabrication, physical principles of ultra low power electronic computation, atom scale chemical physics, highly coherent electron source studies, single atom ion source development, and quantum computing. Atom-defined silicon structures have enticing prospects for quantum sensing and quantum computing as well as for urgently needed, extremely efficient classical electronics. | |
Woodside, Michael CCIS L2-085 (780) 492-0293 michael.woodside@ualberta.ca Group website |
Single-molecule approaches to biological problems: protein folding, protein misfolding/aggregation, RNA folding, relation of folding to function and disease, drug discovery for neurodegeneration and antivirals, molecular mechanism of drugs. Methods: optical tweezers, single-molecule fluorescence, mass photometry, ligand-binding assays, simulation and modeling. | |
Yáñez, Juan Pablo CCIS 2-081 (780) 492-1961 j.p.yanez@ualberta.ca Group website |
Experimental neutrinos physics. Special interest in neutrino oscillations, the origin of the neutrino mass, and physics beyond the standard model with atmospheric neutrinos. Research conducted within the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the SNO+ Collaboration. Also working on the potential P-ONE experiment in Canada. |