Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA)

The goal of the SGSA is to represent the graduate students within the University of Alberta Department of Sociology. The organization works with the Graduate Student Association (GSA) and other student bodies to advocate for students in the department. Through collaboration, we organize events and programs of interest to our members and provide space for discussions on issues impacting them. Membership in the group is automatic for all graduate students registered in the sociology department. Executive meetings occur monthly, students are encouraged to attend. 

2024/25  Executive Committee:

President: Galiba Zahid

Treasurer: Baiyu Su

Academic Events Coordinators: TBC

GSA Councillor: TBC

Department Liaison: TBC

Find our Constitution here in PDF.


Contact Us: 

Office: H. M. Tory 4-19. Stop by anytime! 
Instagram: uofa_SGSA