In the name of transparency and in accordance with public sector standards, the University of Alberta releases a number of reports annually.
Annual Budget
The University of Alberta reports annually on its insights into the financial planning and allocation across the university. The consolidated budget represents the university's goal of seeking operating efficiencies while supporting teaching and research.
Annual Financial Statements
The University of Alberta makes public its annual financial statements, which are prepared by management in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The consolidated financial statements present the financial position of the university as at year end and the results of its operations, remeasurement gains and losses, changes in net financial assets and cash flows.
Executive Expense Proactive Disclosure Reports
The University of Alberta publishes the professional development, travel, hospitality and working session expenses of the Board Chair, the President, and the Vice-Presidents. Expenses are posted quarterly and the reports disclose expenses that have been approved and reimbursed at the time of disclosure.
Investment Reports
Investments and Treasury reports annually on the university’s endowment and non-endowment investment assets as well as major initiatives undertaken by the Investment Committee.