Indirect Collection of Personal Information

The FOIP Act requires the university to collect personal information directly from the individual the information is about except in certain limited circumstances.

Personal information may only be collected from a source other than the individual the information is about (indirect collection), if there is authority in section 34(1)(a) to (o) of the FOIP Act for indirect collection.

Some of the circumstances in which the University can collect personal information about an individual from a source other than that individual are:

1. If the individual or another law authorizes the university to do this;

2. The information is collected for the purpose of determining suitability for an honour or award, including an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or bursary; or

3. The information is collected from published or other public sources for the purpose of fund‑raising.

A complete list of these circumstances can be found in section 34(1)(a) to (o) of the FOIP Act, found here:

For further assistance in determining whether you may collect personal information indirectly, please contact our office.

Authorization to Collect Personal Information from Third Parties (Others) (Word 42 KB)