Improved Pay Action Forms

24 April 2024

The Continuous Administrative Service Improvement Program (CASIP) has been reviewing and refining the most frequently used HR forms and checklists to help eliminate redundancies and enhance the user experience. Changes have been made to some forms already, and, where it makes sense, more will be consolidated, automated, or simply made better with clearer explanations or instructions. 

What is a Pay Action Form (PAF)? 

PAFs are the most commonly used forms by managers and supervisors to notify Shared Services about changes that affect employees. These are updates such as changes in hours, rate changes, additional payments and transfers. 

What is changing? 

As part of this initiative, Shared Services, in alignment with CASIP, is pleased to announce a streamlined approach. Where there were once seven distinct forms for specific employee groups, there are now only two standardized forms – one general use and one for Postdoctoral Fellows.  

The forms have also been updated to reduce the need to collect unnecessary information and adding “smart” fields helps to reduce errors.

🔑 Key takeaway for end-users

  • The summary of changes provides details on what actions can be processed via the new PAF and which actions will now be managed through other processes. Use the general use PAF for additional pay, change in hours, rate changes, transfers, temporary changes in hours, temporary transfers for all positions with the exception of Postdoctoral Fellows. For appointments use APS/eForms. 
  • To access the new PAF forms, visit the HRHSE eForms webpage
  • Information on appointing and reappointing employees can be found here. The “Tools” section provides a list of the different Employee Appointment applications along with directions on how to use them.