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Studying population and interspecies interactions

Animals interact with their environment, their conspecifics, and with individuals of other species. The type of inter- and intra-specific interactions can vary from competition, predation, mutualism, parasitism, to name only few. In our case, I are interested into both static interactions, defined as home range overlap between individuals, and dynamic interactions, which are dependent on simultaneous movements of pairs or groups of individuals (Doncaster 1990, Gehr and Fritzell 1998). Since all the data used in this project come from GPS telemetry techniques, I will infer interactions between individuals based on home range overlap, average and minimum distance between individuals. Field work, predation investigation and behavioural observations planned in 2007 will enable us to determine if the interactions apparent from the spatial locations can be validated in the field. The results are still preliminary at this time, but I encourage you to click on the following sections to see what I found so far...

Static Interactions Dynamic Interactions
