
The CVRI is here to support the University of Alberta's cardiovascular research community.
  • launched in 2022
  • 100+ full members and growing
Over the last five years, our membership is:


  • high publication output
    • 3000+ publications 2017-2022
    • average 615 per year


  • over $72M in research funds awarded
  • 68% of publications are in top Q1 journals


  • above average publication citation rate
  • 19 prestigious research chair positions held by members 
    • includes 9 Canada Research Chairs


  • 1/3 of publications include at least one international co-author
  • 3% include an industry partner 

The CVRI is working hard to identify and build high-value resources for its membership and is very pleased to announce its newest endeavour:

**NEW**   CVRI Imaging Core (CVRI2C)

GREAT NEWS! Dr. Ezekowitz, the CVRI and a team of our members secured grant funding from the University of Alberta Hospital Foundation to build an image processing core that will help researchers maximize the useable data extracted from the images they study. Check out the UHF announcement and recent folio article AI-driven vision for heart health comes into focus to learn more about this exciting new project.


The platform is currently under development and will facilitate:

  • access to a wide range and clinical and research images
  • collection, analysis and comparison of large image sets from multiple sources
  • discovery of novel cardiovascular disease-specific characteristics and biomarkers
  • identification of high value targets for potential treatments
  • development of AI/ML tools to maximize and accelerate analytical processes
    • retrieve more detail with greater consistency and accuracy 
    • increase diagnostic/analytical efficiencies 

Improved and more efficient image analyses will better inform future research strategies, and lead to enhanced diagnostics and more personalized treatment options. A win all around! 

Once built, this will be a valuable resource for our cardiovascular research community with great potential for transfer to other research areas.

Check back for updates on the progress of this important initiative.