About University of Alberta

UA About University of Alberta

About University of Alberta

Welcome to the U of A!

The University of Alberta in Edmonton is one of the top teaching and research universities in Canada, with an international reputation for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering and health sciences.

...knowledge shall not be the concern of scholars alone. The uplifting of the whole people shall be its final goal. HENRY MARSHALL TORY, Founding President

5 campuses in 2 cities

  • 150 Buildings
  • covers 50 city blocks
  • nestled on edge of North Saskatchewan River
  • French-language campus
  • one-of-a kind gem
  • in the heart of Edmonton’s francophone community
  • historic campus in vibrant rural community
  • intimate residential learning environment
  • extensive land for agricultural research
  • home to several recreational facilities
  • downtown hub for lifelong learners
  • place where entrepreneurs can turn new research into new businesses

Quick Facts


Undergraduate Programs


Graduate Programs


Students from 159 Countries


National 3M Teaching Fellows


Rhodes Scholars


National Athletics Titles

Our Purpose


Quaecumque vera
“whatsoever things are true.”

The phrase comes from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, Chapter 4, Verse 8, in the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible. In the passage, the writer exhorts the readers to focus their thoughts on truth and other virtues.


Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement and partnerships. The U of A gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront.


To inspire the human spirit through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship in a creative community, building one of the world's great universities for the public good.

Research + Innovation

The pursuit of truth drives the work done at the University of Alberta. By asking why, what and how, our researchers push the boundaries of knowledge. Using some of the world’s most advanced research facilities and resources, our researchers have discovered new knowledge in health and life sciences, energy, artificial intelligence and much more. Learn more about our research.

Top 4 research university in Canada

91 Canada Research Chairs

$620M+ annual research funding 2022-23

120+ active spinoffs

Rankings in the World

The U of A is one of Canada’s top 4 universities and one of the top 100 in the world. Our researchers are at the forefront of advancing knowledge for the benefit of all. Learn more about where we rank.

# 6 in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) THE Impact Rankings

# 106 in Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

# 7 in Nursing

# 6 in Petroleum Engineering

# 12 for Mining & Mineral Engineering

# 10 for Environmental Science & Engineering

The University of Alberta is located in one of the northernmost major cities in the world. Edmonton is a city with one million residents and one of Canada’s strongest local economies.

Like the university, Edmonton is a place where people come together to build, create and change things for the better. It is a place where good ideas have a strong chance to become reality.

Downtown Edmonton at night featuring the Alberta Art Gallert

Student Opportunities

We are home to leading experts in both established and emerging fields including health, artificial intelligence, energy, food safety and security, nanotechnology, the environment and earth’s resources, our past, clean technology, climate change, smart technology, and aerospace to name a few.

Student Groups

More than 425 student groups provide students with opportunities to pursue academic, cultural, recreational and political interests.

Study Abroad

Students can study at partner institutions around the world, including the Worldwide Universities Network, a consortium of 23 top research universities.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

The Undergraduate Research Initiative funds undergraduate students to pursue research with $5,000 stipends.

Community Service Learning

Students gain hands-on experiences and draw real-life connections to social issues while giving back to their community.


U of A graduates rank #2 in Canada for employment rate, the result of multiple programs for internships, job shadowing and career mentoring.

Co-ops + Careers

Integrate your classroom learning with valuable experiences in community with faculty-led co-op and work placement programs.

What makes us unique?


The Faculty of Native Studies, the only faculty of its kind in Canada, provides undergraduate programs specializing in issues of language, culture, land and resources.


The U of A Library is Canada's second-largest research library containing more than 4.7 million titles, 8.7 million volumes, 1.3 million e-books and 1,700 databases.


The University of Alberta has been one of Canada’s greenest employers for the past 13 years.


Today, more than 300,000 alumni in 140 countries carry on the university’s vision to serve the public good. Collectively our alumni have founded more than 70,000 organizations globally.

Governance + Administration

The University of Alberta has a bi-cameral governance structure, as set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act. The university is led by the president and vice-chancellor, appointed by the Board of Governors, and the chancellor, the titular head of the university, elected by senate.

Bill Flanagan


Bill Flanagan is the 14th president and vice-chancellor of the University of Alberta. Under his leadership, the university is embarking on a major program of academic and administrative restructuring guided by the University of Alberta of Tomorrow proposal, his five-year vision for the university.

Peggy Garritty


Nizar J. Somji is the U of A's 23rd Chancellor. He is a principled business leader with a deep passion for knowledge and for pursuing equality and dignity for all individuals. He has founded multiple successful businesses and currently leads the Jaffer Group of Companies. He currently serves on EPCOR’s board of directors and as chair of KV Capital.

Kate Chisholm

Board Chair

Kate Chisholm was appointed chair of the University of Alberta's Board of Governors in 2019. She has served as an energy industry senior executive for twenty years and counselled the boards of private and public companies.