Students in the atrium

Faculty of

Agricultural, Life &Environmental Sciences

UA graphic depicting wheat and raindrops on water

The Faculty of ALES at the U of A provides solutions to global challenges, such as agriculture and food, the environment, community and individual well-being, and bioresource innovation.

Comprising four departments and more than 40 undergraduate and graduate programs, ALES turns science into solutions that encompass the entire human experience.

Prospective Students

An undergraduate degree in ALES challenges you to find solutions for real-life problems. Pursue a degree that matters and secure a job in an in-demand career.

Graduate Programs

ALES offers a variety of science-based graduate programs, including several specializations that are available as course or thesis-based.


ALES conducts a robust research program that provides solutions to global challenges in our comprehensive research and teaching facilities.

  • 17,500+

    Alumni with over 60%
    living in Alberta

  • $48M

    in external research
    funding annually

  • 25,000

    Acres of farm and ranch land
    spanning Alberta

Cover of publication reads Shaping Alberta with three pictures: one of a forest, one of a field of crops, and an aerial view of rural Alberta

Shaping Alberta: The Impact of the Faculty of ALES


Since our inception in 1915, the faculty has contributed to the province's economics, environment and society. Read more about the activities and successes of our students, faculty and researchers, and our ambitious vision for the future.

Read the publication

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Promotional graphic for U of A Days shows flags in university green and gold colors

Join ALES at U of A Days

U of A Days celebrates our alumni and their lasting impact on the University of Alberta community. This four-day event features a mix of alumni-focused activities and events open to the public, including the annual ALES Breakfast with the Dean, a Human Ecology Repair Café and U of A Unveiled: That's Cool.

More information

See all ALES events


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