Alberta Land Institute

Connecting research and policy for better land management of Alberta’s changing landscape.

The Alberta Land Institute (ALI) is committed to conducting and funding research that supports and enhances land use policy in the province of Alberta and beyond. ALI’s work focuses on the changing landscape and the ways that planning and policy design can ensure the long-term sustainability of Alberta’s agricultural sector, water and natural areas.
$2M provided in research funding
Over 10 years of research
More than 30 research projects
Land Use Lunchtime Webinar
Alberta Landowner Rights
Feb 19, 12-1p (MST)
The development of property law requires balancing the public good and the rights of landowners. Come learn about property law in Alberta, under what circumstances the government can restrict a landowners land use and how property rights interact with the development of renewable energy.
The webinar will be moderated by the Alberta Land Institute’s Dave Poulton. The session will include presentations from Eran Kaplinsky and David Percy followed by a Q and A.
Research Projects

The Role of Urban Forests in Community Adaptation and Resilience
While trees are significant providers of ecosystem services, more research is necessary to help policymakers understand how the urban context affects trees' ability to provide ecosystem services and implement municipal tree policies that best capture the full value of their services.

Soil Health: Policy, Science, and Law in Action
Interest in Canada's soil health and its strong links to climate change adaptation and resilience has dramatically increased over the past several years. Research and knowledge produced through this work sought to improve decision-making among key stakeholders and policymakers.

The Implementation of Market Based Conservation Tools Under ALSA: A Review
This research study aimed to examine the history and current status of the implementation of the various land stewardship tools set out in the Alberta Land Use Framework and Alberta Land Stewardship Act, with particular emphasis on market-based conservation tools.
The Land Use Podcast
The Land Use Podcast is your home to discussion on a wide range of land use issues affecting public policy. If you're a landowner, planner, public official, conservationist, or involved in industry, we're a home for you!